Hi, I'm Ed, the creator of this site. My original background is electronic engineering - with a focus on sensors and analog design. I am also interested in operations research, computer simulation, data mining, economics, and decision science. A few years ago I had the luxury of taking a sabbatical and went back to school to study these things in the Systems Science program at Portland State University. I eventually wound up earning an MS in the subject, as well as a certificate in Computer Simulation and Modeling. For the day job I work at a local company designing electronic stuff.
I am also a technical writer and inventor having written a book and dozens of articles, papers, and application notes, as well as having 11 US patents as either sole or co-inventor.
Finally, I also have a number of interests that don't involve computers or transistors. In my spare time enjoy science fiction - both movies and books, and woodworking projects, gardening, and hiking. Also, I play violin and guitar, with a particular interest in baroque music.
You can contact me at edd at edscave dott com or find me on LinkedIn.